
1 thing you need to learn in life

If there is one thing I learned today, across all platforms of life (this includes social, economical, political arenas), marketing and branding is fundamental. Hey that's two things. No, it really is ONE big category of PERCEPTION.

Before I started this post, I had spoken to people I had the opportunity to come into contact with at work, birthday parties, social get-togethers, family gatherings, and casual meet-ups about my upcoming future plans. They all ended up with the same conclusion: Start Now. And on this path towards writing for magazines, the general consensus was that I had to build up a profile for myself. And I agree. I was just hoping for an easier, less conspicuous way of doing so. However at 24 and 4 months of age, I should have known that all good things come to those who work hard. (Asian-back-breaking-sweat-shop mentality right here.) It seems that results only show when you work for it. So here I will begin. On what was once known as Children's Day. (If you haven't gotten the memo, they decided to change Children's Day to the first Friday of October instead of 1st October.)

You must be wondering what all that bulls*** has to do with perception. What I just did there was create an impression (hopefully positive) of where I am coming from. Prior to this, I had read an article on how to get people to read what I write and there were two things that stood out:
1. Market your product in a way that people want to read
2. Number 1 is done by titling the post targeted at YOU

Everything is about how you market a product. Everything is about how you perceive the product. Nothing else matters except what the receiver believes.

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